PAI™ (Personal Adaptability Inventory) psychometric tool
A practical framework for building mental and emotional resilience during disruption
A practical framework for building mental and emotional resilience during disruption
Providing a structured way to understand and develop mental and emotional resilience levels among leaders and their teams. Enabling them to adapt, thrive and stay ahead of the pace and scale of Change in their respective industries.
Creating a strong foundation for adaptability and learning.
Here are 5 reasons why building effective resilience and adaptability - at individual, team and organisational levels - is a business priority for leaders:
Part of what makes us resilient is probably innate.
But the most resilient individuals and teams are not the ones that don’t fail-but rather the ones that fail, learn and thrive because of it.
The PAI™ (Personal Adaptability Inventory) is Changefirst’s proprietary psychometric method (with development profile and actions), for leaders and their teams to measure and develop their resilience levels.
The PAI™ measures individual and team preferences in relation to the seven characteristics of highly resilient people.
A belief that Change will have positive outcomes
A belief in one's own capabilities to benefit from Change.
An ability to prioritise goals to pursue in face of difficulties
Open-ness to alternative ideas and solutions
Open-ness to the involvement and support of others
An ability to make and flex a plan for personal change
Readiness to step into the relative 'unknown'
Global Financial Services Provider
Our PAI™ system enables you to identify, understand and develop Resilience and Adaptability for major Change and Transformation:
Purchase a digital bundle of PAI™ Assessments:
Add a Team Profile to your purchase:
Become a Changefirst PAI™ Coach and Facilitator:
Individual and Team Resilience are essential cornerstones for building the change-related capacity needed to deliver on your transformation goals. Download a copy of our eBook as we explore:
Need to evaluate things?
Why not complete the psychometric on a trial basis and receive your individual profile including action suggestions? Then talk to us about your Organisational needs.
Simply request a trial below and we will be in touch to set that up.